Friday, January 8, 2010

A New Look; A New Focus

Very shortly, I will be launching the 3rd iteration of my blog, "In-between Time."

I first heard the phrase "in between time" when my former church was going through a time of transition in between pastors. We brought aboard an interim minister who was truly a minister of the process of change and transformation. He used the phrase "in between time" to be the time period when the church would reflect upon its past and think about its future, all the while continuing on with its work of serving God. It was a rich time of study, reflection, process and application.

On this blog, "in between time" referred to the time in between Mothers of Preschoolers meetings, so this then-Mentor Mom could keep the MOPS spiritually fed even as we weren't meeting.
Last summer, the "in between time" was time in between formal Bible studies. I perused the book of Proverbs with a host of bloggy friends (see the archives for entries).

Within days, I begin a new and long-term commitment to studying and writing about the books of the prophets. As the blog explanation says, there was a 400-year period between the time of Malachi's last prophecy and the coming of Jesus Christ during which God did not formally speak to mankind through prophets. So what did these men of God say? Why then? Why are these words still important now?

This is not a book study, but an exploration of the Scriptures. I am not a scholar much less a Sunday School teacher, but I claim the verse below as my validation for writing, the Holy Spirit being my Guide!

I hope you will step along on the journey from time to time. I will post a schedule of verses to be examined along with the first post--beginning with the earliest recorded prophecy of Obadiah.


* * *

Note: I read from the New American Standard Bible translation,
specifically, The MacArthur Study Bible (NASB).
I will quote other sources if used in a post.

I also use Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
(with notes from the King James Version).


  1. Sounds interesting, Sue! I'll be keeping my eyes open!!

  2. Boy can I ever relate to "in between times"!

  3. Wow,aren't you a busy one. I'll have to be sure and check in.

  4. I thought of you earlier this year Sue as I was reading the Proverbs. Love in between. We are always in between whether we know it or not. B

  5. Now that I have more computer access, hopefully I'll be able to follow along.


Your insights add much to our study together!
Thank you for sharing!